A lot has happened since the last time I was socially active on the brands’ social media platforms. Some major changes took place and with that, I am ready to shape the brand in a new focused direction…
Let us do some catching-up first before we do some unveiling.
Firstly I am so proud to announce that I am now a certified Image Consultant and that of course allows me to add some pretty awesome new services to our list. I had so much fun and a lot of self-reflecting during this course and I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to do so. My passion for women and how we think and work deepened.
Secondly we moved all the way to the beautiful town of Hermanus. In its self it is such a huge blessing to be able to call this place my home and the location of the Studio, it is another blessing to be able to serve the great Whale Coast and Overberg district with our variety of services.
Thirdly I helped my Husband (then fiancé) to open a franchise, something completely different to what I was used to. I learned incredibly valuable and important lessons and skills during this time and although it is a struggle every now and then I would never want to change or take away my time spent helping him build a future for us. I am so excited to share my knowledge and new skills with my own clients moving forward.
Fourth on the catch up list is that I got married to the most incredibly strong, caring and passionate man on earth (I really, honestly do believe so). As it usually goes with Fashion designers I was dead set on making my own Wedding dress and that of my bridesmaids. It was honestly jet again a huge learning curve and an amazing experience, and in the end I have so much more passion for my brides and the process of putting a wedding together.
All of these incredibly life changing experiences and steps naturally evolved into me working on re-branding the business into its new direction. New Image Consulting Services will be added and some pretty cool package combos to give you (the client) more!